AssalamuAlykum, we hope that you are well and in the best of Iman. We are now in the blessed days of Hajj, wherein we remember the oneness of Allah and the obedience of His close friend, Sayyiduna Ibrahim ‘alayhis-salaam.
These days will eventually culminate in the great act of Qurbani (or Udhiyyah) when the believers sacrifice animals to Allah from after the Eid prayer (10th Dhul Hijjah) up until the last days of tashreeq. 

We know especially this year there are many people who are unable to easily afford to do Qurbaani/ Udhiyyah locally. For some, it is difficult to fulfil on their own locally and they would like a service that provides everything. Hence the reason we have made this service easy for you..

This year we have:
1) Malawi, Africa $450 – We will distribute them to the poor and needy there. (will be accepted till the day before Eid).
2) Local Sheep ranges from $1700-$4000ttd – You can get the full service. That includes: Slaughtering, cut-up & distributed or you can distribute yourself, details at the bottom

We will slaughter all animals under the supervision of scholars. Thereafter, we will distribute the meat to poor families & charities accordingly.

– A small animal counts as 1 share per person.
– Please provide a name when donating your Qurbani.
– Personal details, including a contact number, should be provided.
– Prices have been rounded up. If there is any surplus money we will also be used for charitable purposes.

Let us adhere to the traditions of this noble religion in the coming days. Let us follow the Sunnah of our father, Ibrahim ‘alayhis-salaam, for whom nothing was dearer than to please Allah.

We do recommend if you can afford to do your Qurbani locally, you can also book below. Commemoration of the day of Eid is important, and you can distribute it to your family, friends and the needy.

To book your local animals