We are here to help you calculate your Zakaah here to solve the hard questions here to weigh your jewelry

Need help in calculating your Zakaah?

Then download our simple guide below to understanding Zakaah and a simple excel form for calculating Zakah, additionally, you can fill out the contact form below to get your direct questions answered.

Need help determining the values of your gold and silver items?

Visit our office or email your questions and we would be happy to assist in whatever ways we can we even weigh your jewellery and tell you the value of it to calculate for Zakah payment.
Office hours: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm or call to book an appointment for afternoons 5 pm – 6 pm

Click to download: Zakaah-Calculation-table 2022  What is Zakaah booklet

Below is a list of projects that you can support with your donations:

Ramadhaan Charitable Projects at Al-Ihsaan Institute

Increase your rewards in the blessed month of Ramadhaan, by donating to a worthy cause! Monies can be chosen to go towards:

Saqaqah Jariyah Projects:

  1. Publications: We produce and distribute thousands of publications to the community. Qurans, literature packs, dua books, hajj books, informational posters and booklets and so much more. Donate now to be a part of this Sadaqah Jariyah initiative! Aim for $50K
  2. Well: Water shortages around the world remain a massive challenge for the Ummah. The answer to this need WELLS is the solution. Wells will provide their users with water for years and years to come. Access to clean water will change the lives of many. This is the truest representation of sadaqatul jariyah. We have begun to build two wells already since last year, and hoping to do 3 more this year ان شاء الله. Don’t miss out on this opportunity of blessings for life. Aim for $30K
  3. School Tech Upgrade: This is a powerful Sadaqah Jariyah project, with schools being moved to online platforms now back to a physical one. It’s a challenge getting all the needs for the start of the new school year.  Aim for $50K

Zakaah Projects

  1. Single Mother & Orphan Support: It’s painful to think of the struggle so many women & children face every day because they have no one to turn to. The good news is that you can radically change the lives of these women & children that we support at our institute.
  2. Education Sponsorship: Education and training is the key to a brighter future, offering the chance to learn critical skills, grow in self-confidence and escape the brutal cycle of poverty. Support us so that every one of our recipients can receive a quality education.

Sadaqah, lillah and Zakaah accepted

N.B. Any funds coming in after the allotted time frame would be repurposed for other projects in the same category.
Cheques can be made to Al-Ihsaan Institute. Below is a link to our site to send a question and get more info:

Tel: 610-0089 (7:30am-2:00pm), 484-8210
Email: institutealihsaan@gmail.com

Send us mail