A Simple Format for ‘ibadah on Auspicious nights

Our Beloved Nabi (sallallahu’alaihiwasallam) has mentioned:
“Indeed your Lord has reserved certain special moments in time (in which he emits abundant/special mercy)
Be sure to avail yourselves for these opportunities.” (Majma’uz Zawaaid)
We are usually aware of the significant occasions that present themselves each year. The crucial thing is how do we “avail ourselves” and maximise our benefit from these blessed nights?
Here under is a suggested format for “What to do on Blessed nights?” Read more

This is a transcription of a speech delivered in Dewsbury, UK in 1982 at the opening of the Dewsury Markaz. By Shaykh Abul Hasan ‘Ali an-Nadwi (R.H)

I am filled with happiness by your reception. I would be most ungrateful if I do not respect your wishes and share my inner feelings. If I desire I could shower you with praises, for Almighty Allah has bestowed me with an abundance of vocabulary, but I would not be fulfilling the right of friendship. Read more