Rasūlullāh ﷺ ordered the giving of one sā‘ of dates or one sā‘ of barley as Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr on every Muslim slave and free person, male and female, minor and adult. (Al-Bukhārī)

What is Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr?
Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr (also called fitrana/ fitra/ zakatul fitr) is a specfic charity which is given to the poor on the day of Eid so that they can also acquire the happiness of Eid without having to ask.

Who must pay Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr?
Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr is obligatory upon every free, sane, Muslim who has wealth beyond his basic needs and which reaches the value of niṣāb ($32975 Gold or Silver $3502).
It is also necessary for a father to give Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr on behalf of his minor children if they do not possess their own wealth to the value of nisāb. If a minor child has his/her own personal wealth which reaches the nisāb then the father can give from this wealth.

When should Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr be paid?
Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr becomes obligatory on every living Muslim at the dawn of ‘Īdul-Fiṭr.

Who should it be given to?

Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr is given to eligible recipients of Zakat. It should also be noted that if a person can give it to an eligible recipient on Eid day before going for Eid prayer, it will be better to do so.

When should Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr be given?
It is preferable to take out the Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr before going for Eid Ṣalāh after dawn on the day of ‘Īdul-Fiṭr.

Can Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr be given in advance?
Yes. Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr can be given anytime once Ramaḍān commences. The spirit of Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr is to ensure that even the poor people do not feel deprived on the day of ‘Īd. In view of this, it will be advisable to give Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr in advance.

If left unpaid, does a person still have to give Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr after the day of ‘Īd?
Yes. The obligation of Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr will still remain and he will be obliged to give it even after the day of Eid; anytime during his lifetime.

How much is Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr?
Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr is ½ ṣā‘ of wheat or 1 ṣā‘ (about 3.276 KG’s) of barley, raisins or dates.

What is the current value of Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr?
The prices of the above items vary considerably, hence, after taking into consideration their retail prices in Trinidad & Tobago (May 2021), an acceptable price for each of them is given in the chart below. It will be allowed to suffice on the lowest amount, $15.00, however, to give according to the higher values is more virtuous. Below is what the values look like:

Value of 1 ṣā‘ Dates
$130 ttd (Regular)

$360 ttd (Medjool)

$1081 ttd (‘Ajwah)

Value of 1 ṣā‘ Raisins 

$110.00 ttd

Value of 1 ṣā‘ Barley 

$60.00 ttd

Value of ½ ṣā‘ of wheat

$15.00 ttd

What can Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr be given as?

Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr can be given in the following items: dates, barley, raisins, cottage cheese, wheat, corn or flour or money. The amount to be given is one ṣā‘ (about 3.276 KG’s). It is also permissible to give any groceries or foodstuffs equivalent to the values mentioned above also.

Should Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr be given as money or as food items?

It is recommended to be given as money. The scholars differed regarding the permissibility of giving zakāt al-fiṭr in gold or silver coins instead of food. At the time of the beloved Prophet ﷺ, he instructed to give either one Sa` of dates or 1 Sa’ of Barley. (Bukhārī). Also, the Sahabah gave half Sa` (approx. 1.75 KG) of wheat. (Bukhārī). Also, Ibn Umarؓ  gave dates, however, when dates became scarce in Madinah, he gave barley. (Bukhārī). Muʿadh b. Jabalؓ when he was the governor of Yemen. It states that Muʿadh told the people of Yemen to give him clothes and robes in lieu of grain, since giving cloth would be easier for them, and more useful for the people of Madinah, where the zakāt was heading (muʿallaqan al-Bukhārī).

However, taking the practice of the sahabah into account and the scholarly opinions, the Hanafi Fuqaha (Jurist) have recommended using cash and currency, also as it is easier for us to give, and more appreciated by its recipients. Notwithstanding that purpose of Ṣadaqatul-Fiṭr is to ensure that no one is deprived on the day of Eid. Lastly, being that money is the primary commodity used to barter with, hence it is the aṣl (General measure).

Article written in conformity with the Hanafi Madhab and adapted from a few sources: Islāmic Da‘wah Academy, Muslim Matters, Fatwa-tt, Islamic Portal

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