Did you perform Hajj?! Every year some blessed individuals take the sacred journey of hajj to Makkah and although it is not the best of practices, they are given the title of ‘Haji’ and ‘Hajin’ as the culture follows.

The sacred pilgrimage is one that is full of reward and even greater benefit than it would appear since a pilgrim successful in his purpose of the journey returns as sinless as a baby.

During this sacred time as a pilgrim, you are actively required to instill many traits and practices in and out of the trip that would ensure your lofty reward in paradise. Here is a list of the top nine:


Certainly, the most profound benefit of hajj is the lesson of submission, which is initiated by the many lessons given by the symbolic father of the whole pilgrimage, Ibrahim AS and his son Ismail AS. You will learn that whatever is commanded by Allah ﷺ it is to be followed without deliberation. Submission is, without a doubt, dedicated to this core lesson and scattered throughout the pilgrimage of Hajj. One of those moments is at the juncture of entering into the sacred state of Ihram with the recital of the talbiyah (call to the submission of compliance):

“Here I am at Your service, O Rabb, here I am. Here I am, no partner do You have, here I am. Truly, the Praise and the Favour is Yours, and the Sovereignty. No partner do You have.” [narrated Muslim on the authority of Ibn Umar Radiyallahu ‘anhu]

Only truly an experience will translate to you the emotion attached to the proclamation of the talbiyah that gushes through the heart as it is recited. As the Quran talks of the submission of Ibrahim AS: And We ransomed him in exchange of a great sacrifice. (The sacrifice of Ibrahim and Ismail – peace be upon them – is commemorated every year) [Surah Saffaat 107]

Accepting revelation: 

Highlighted separately, but very much connected to ‘submission’ is the trait of compliance to revelation and not logic. From the theoretic bases of the Hajj to the practical implementation of it, Allah shows you that your logic and understanding is limited. You, as a human, are subjected to knowledge and experience to be able to understand anything. However, Allah all Knower, all Aware, when commanding you to action, is fully and actively paving a path for your success. In Hajj there are restrictions that are necessary for correctness of it, that resist the logical acceptance of the so-called norms of society. Maybe it’s the ‘no applying perfume’ or it’s the ‘no covering of the face’, whatever the rulings, your compliance is not an option it’s a command and when done positively it becomes an honour, one that is a very appreciated one to lead a daily attitude.

The Prophet would only speak what was commanded: He does not speak out of (his own) desire. It is but a revelation revealed (to him). [An-Najm 3-4]

Spending and Worshipping:

The jurists explain that hajj is the one major activity that requires physical endurance and ability as well as financial stability to happen, without these two strengths the hajj is not compulsory. Hence you as a person must learn that in your daily life, you are required to strike out from being complacent and lethargic and become a vigorous contender in the competition of good deeds. Tiring and costly, the hajji understands his financial and physical commitment to deen by spending that period, all you need to do is to continue throughout the year.

The Prophet (ﷺ) used to supplicate: “O Allah! I seek refuge with You from worry and grief, from incapacity and laziness, from cowardice and miserliness, from being heavily in debt and from being overpowered by (other) men.”  [Bukhari]


In Hajj, if you make a major mistake in the rituals, even out of ignorance, you will have to pay a penalty or if you forget the rations of that moment you will undergo some type of amending. Learning of the hajj procedure or the planning of a month’s supply, when embarking on this sacred journey, you must prepare! Similarly, as your daily requirement, you will need to make your life a sacred journey and that demands knowledge that has no limit. This combined with the healthy provision of good inner qualities and deeds, is necessary for the perfection of a Muslim; you should not only know ‘how to pray’, but also become a passionate lover of prayer! Similarly don’t be a ‘lover of prayer’ and you don’t know how to pray!

Abu Dharr that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There is no wisdom like planning [Ibn Majah]


The pushing and shoving, the times of breaking down in servitude, the humble pieces of clothing, whatever is thrown your way, you accept it. Big as you are, popular as you are, rich as you are, if you are a King of the masses or Minister of the kings, when it comes to being a pilgrim, you are a servant coming to serve his master. It is one of the fascinating qualities that you need in order to have a successful hajj. So do not let your race, wealth, or status determine your demeanour, because we are all servants of the same phase of existence.

‘Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “No one will enter Paradise who has pride in his heart equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed [Ibn Majah]


On the trip to the hajj you are subjected to different situations, your spouse who Allah has made permissible for you, now becomes impermissible to have sexual relations with, the hunting of prey is now forbidden and even the uprooting of grass is prohibited. Now you learn to decorate your life according to the needs.  A good Muslim is able to prioritize situations accordingly towards Allah, his family, friends, and work.

`Abdullah bin `Amr narrates from the Messenger of Allah(ﷺ): ….your body has a right on you, and your eye has a right on you, and your guest has a right on you, and your wife has a right on you…[Bukhari]


Believe it or not, hajj requires struggling and striving from everyone. Sometimes sleepless nights, thirst or hunger, having been put through the test of Hajj, you will learn to sacrifice the joys and bounties of this world to gain the fruits of the everlasting paradise. If you can do it for those fixed days, certainly you can strive to stay away from the evils of society and strive for the attainment of the pleasure of Allah.

Allah says: And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it (i.e. do righteous deeds of Allâh’s Obedience) while he is a believer (in the Oneness of Allâh— Islâmic Monotheism), then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated, (thanked and rewarded by Allâh). [Asra 19]


A quality that is definitely required for Hajj, the hajji is forced to have patience, in fact, if he does not, then he cannot be a top scorer in the pilgrimage. Likewise, you are always required to endure patiently, whether it’s with the spouse or the kids, the siblings or the parents, etc., Allah grants many rewards to the bearer of patience.

And Allâh loves As-Sâbirun (the patient ones). [Al-Imran 146]


By Mufti Abraar Alli | 2018