Have you ever heard of the god Saturn? How about Odin? Perhaps you’ve heard about Mithra? The names of these so-called gods have been extinguished from our vocabulary for centuries, and yet they are still being worshipped today. They are venerated in many modern Christmas traditions, celebrated by Christians, Hindus, and yes – even some Muslims.

It is becoming common knowledge that, while Jesus’ birthday is staunchly celebrated on the 25th of December, the actual date of his birth is unknown. While the Bible remains silent on the specific date, it does mention that Jesus was born while …. “there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.” (Luke2:8) Can you imagine shepherds needlessly watching over their flock, with only blankets to protect them from the bone-crushing chill of the stormy winter nights? No, it is more likely that Jesus’ birth would have occurred during the warmer parts of the year if this evidence is to be taken into account.  Read more