Approaching the day of ‘Eid, there should be mixed emotions for Muslims divided between the sorrow of the departing of Ramadhan and the happiness of welcoming the Islamic celebration of ‘Eid notwithstanding the obvious “lockdown”
Ramadhan is a blessed month that brings about the best in our worship, good actions, spending and taqwa.
The celebration of Eid is due to religious achievement. Therefore, with recharged spiritual batteries, we now have the determination to optimise our performance and celebrate the blessed day in the method shown to us in the Sunnah.
Here are some Sunnah practices and guidelines that will be rewarding to us in particular to the day: Read more

The Mercy of the Most Merciful 

لَيۡلَةُ ٱلۡقَدۡرِ خَيۡرٞ مِّنۡ أَلۡفِ شَهۡرٖ

The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months (Surah Qadr: 3)

The sweet essence of Ramaḍān encompasses the ummah, reviving and strengthening the hearts of the believers. It is filled with opportunities to gain bountiful rewards. One of its virtues is the night of power: Laylat ul-Qadr. Laylatul Qadr is a night that is highly anticipated by everyone during Ramaḍān. From the beginning to the end, we hear discussions about the night that is better than one thousand months. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell truth from speculation. 

So, here is everything you need to know about it:

What is Laylat ul-Qadr? Read more