, Did you delay Hajj?

Delaying Hajj

By Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of Islām, and obligatory upon every Muslim male or female who meets its requirements and who has been granted the capability to carry it out by Allāh ta’ālā. If there are no Shar’ī excuses to prevent you from fulfilling the obligation of hajj, you should not delay.

Shaytān’s Ploy

Every year, however, Shaytān whispers the following thought in the minds of those who are under an obligation to go for hajj: “I have some important reasons preventing me from going this year, but I will definitely go next year, no matter what happens, and I will absolve myself of this obligation.” In this way Shaytān secures a year’s grace for himself. The following year, just before hajj, he will play the same trick again and secure yet another year. Shaytān leads people on in this manner right up to their graves.

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, , Mixed Gatherings: A Detailed Response Regarding Gender Interaction


Question: Can you please comment on the permissibility of mixed social gatherings and whether its allowed as far as guys and girls going out together that are just friends to dinner or other places?

Answered by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam al-KawthariAnswer:

“And We reveal of the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy for believers though it increase the evil-doers in naught save ruin.”

(Qur’an, 17:82)

“We sent you (O Prophet!) not except as a mercy for all people.”

(Qur’an,21:107) Read more